Friday, March 29, 2019

Rizal's Travel Abroad

Here are some of the links for Rizal's travel:

Helping Others

Just Help and Change Your Life Forever

We help each other because of the different reasons. Some people help others, because they just cannot not to help the other people if they need help. The other people help, because they wish to give some positive energy or just because they must help. Sometimes we can help the others, because we are sure, that they will think in a good way about as after that. We need to improve our health, and to be sure, that someone needs us. When we help, we also get the real benefits to our health.

Help and live longer
There were some researches in different countries in 2013 and the scientist found out, that the help can increase our life. It is possible to decrease the mortality by 22%. How much do you need to live longer? If you help the others up to 100 hours per year, you will reduce the risk of the death by 28%. But it does not matter how much time you spend while helping other people. You can do it 2 hours or 125- but you will get the positive result. The only main thing, which you need to know, that this help should be systematic.

Another researches have shown, that students improved their blood tests only help each other 1 time a week and the positive aspects of this activity were shown after some years.

Improve your mood
We increase our mood when we help other people. The researches have shown, that it is needed to help people 5 times a week to improve your mood. But if you help only 1 time, it does not have any influence. You need to help people systematically and the researchers showed, that people, which help, do not suffer from depressions or decrease of motivation.

Speak more
It is possible to get a lot of friends if you help other people. This fact is very important for our health. The researches showed, that the loneliness has negative influence on our blood pressure and the risk of the heart attacks will be increased. People, which know, that there are their friends that can help them, live longer than people which do not have friends or family.

Lower blood pressure
The researches showed, that people at the age 50+, which helped other people only 4 hours a week had up to 40% lower risk to get problems with the blood pressure. Also, scientists say, that the positive effect can be connected with the stress decrease. In addition, volunteering gives you the great opportunity to find a lot of new friends and to have positive emotions.

Little things have the great meaning
If you wish to help other people, just listen to their problems, but do not judge them. It is the easiest thing that can be done. A lot of people know the answers to their questions, but they have not realized it yet. When you allow them to speak about problems, to discuss it, you give them the great opportunity to check the situation from the other side and to find the best solution of it. Sometimes, they need help to start the new life from the very beginning. The essay on helping others will give you the great opportunity to understand it better. Just place the order on this site and you will get the essay as soon as it is possible. You can choose the time you wish.

Do something unusual
When you change the life of other people, you get the amazing feeling. You can do it, for example, if you become the mentor for the young people. You will help them to avoid the mistakes you had and will teach them how to overcome some difficulties.
Do something from and to
If you decided to help someone, you cannot stop on the half of the way. You need to be sure that that the changes appeared and your words were not empty. People will be grateful to you for your help and will appreciate your efforts and time you spent.

Do not wait for “thank you”
You should not wait that all people will be thankful to you for your help. You should understand, that the help is not something like goods, which is possible to sell with benefits. We help each other just because we want to do in this way. Do you give the person the bill, because you explained how to go to the library, for example? Or should we stop giving some free advices and free help? It seems, that no one needs such kind of help, because it will not improve our life. But some kinds of help need to have some benefits. For example, we cannot work for free, because we need to earn money.

Also, you need to understand, that before helping other people, you need to be ready to do it. It is clear, that there can be different kinds of help, everything depends on our possibilities. But people should be ready for this help. For example, little children cannot take care of someone or just to help, because they are not ready, they just need to grow up and to understand what does the help means. But adult people understood it and because of it, they can analyze their life and understand where it is possible to help the other people.

All of us can help other people and all can be the part of the mechanism, which can change our life and make it better. In any case, if you help other people, you become happier than you were before and you can be sure, that people will help you too.

1.    Explain the meaning of the saying, “No man is an island.”
2.    Who are the “others” in your life?
3.    Should we limit our “service for others” to our “significant others” or the people who are close to use, either by blood relationship or through friendship? Explain your answer fully.
4.    How did Rizal do his share of “serving others”?
5.    How can you do your share of “serving others”? Explain your answer fully.

De Viana, Augusto et. al. 2018. Jose Rizal: Social Reformer and Patriot: A Study of His Life and Times. Philippines: Rex Book Store.

Friday, March 1, 2019

Rizal as a Genius

Rizal was an expert of at least 22 fields of disciplines.

1.    As physician. It was always the dream of Rizal to study Ophthalmology to help his mother who was in the stage of advance blindness. This dream was fulfilled in 1884 at the age of 23 at the Universidad Central de Madrid. The university gave him the degree of Licentiate in Medicine. He went back to Calamba and successfully cured many patients there. Being a physician was one of the benefits that the people of Dapitan had enjoyed during the exile of Rizal in that place of Zamboanga del Norte. His name as a physician reached as far as Ireland. A friend George Tauffer came to Dapitan with his daughter Josephine. And Josephine Bracken became the wife of Rizal.

2.    As poet. At early age of eight, Rizal demonstrated his poetic gift when he wrote “Sa Aking Mga Kababata.” Some of his known poems are as follows:

a.    Recuerdo A mi Pueblo (In memory of my town)

b.    My First Inspiration

c.    Through Education Our Motherland Receives Light

d.    To the Child Jesus

e.    To the Virgin Mary

f.     To the Filipino Youth

g.    The Song of Maria Clara

h.    Hymn to Labor

i.      To My Muse

j.      Hymn to Talisay

k.    Josephine, Josephine

l.      Kundiman

m.  Mi Ultimo Adios

3.    As novelist. Rizal had published two novels; the Noli Me Tangere and El Flilibusterismo. There were stil unfinished ones; Makamisa, Dapitan and many others. The Noli and El Fili pictured the deplorable conditions of the Filipino people under the abusive Spaniards. They unveiled the same evil.

4.    As essayist. Aside from novels and poetry, Rizal was also an essayist. He produced several essays some of which are as follows:

a.    Amor Patrio (Love of Country)

b.    On Travel

c.    The Indolence of the Filipinos

d.    Letter to the Young Women of Malolos

5.    As a dramatist. The Council of the Gods of Rizal won first prize in the literary contest 1880 at the Lyceum De Manila. It was considered superior of all the manuscript submitted. The judges had no choice but to proclaim the winner in spite of the fact that it was submitted by an Indio. Other dramas of Rizal include the following:

a.    Comedia

b.    Beside the River


6.    As historian. The greatest achievement of Rizal as historian was his annotation (comment) of Morga’s Successos Las Islas Filipinas, published in Mexico in 1609. Rizal praised Morga for being unbiased. And Morga was a reliable historian.

7.    As a painter. At an early age, Rizal had already shown his artistic inclination. His first success in painting was when he was still a boy in Calamba. It was said that a religious banner was damaged and new one should replace it. Knowing that the boy Rizal was good in painting, the people came to him and requested him to paint a religious banner. At once, Rizal consented, and a new one was produced. One of his known paintings was of Saturnina, his eldest sister. He was good at sketching. His sketches include the Monkey and the Turtle. He also learned the Japanes art of painting called Sumi-e.  

8.    As a sculptor. At first, Rizal learned sculpture by himself when he was still a boy. He loved to shape figures using clay or wax. This boyhood hobby on sculpture was further developed while he was in Ateneo. Jesuit professors encouraged him to develop his sculpture talent. Also, the Economic Society of friends of the country the University of Sto. Tomas awarded him with a diploma and a silver medal for his wax model. Some of his sculptural works were the following:

a.    Woodcarving of his father

b.    Woodcarving of his Josephine

c.    A clay figured called “The Mother’s Revenge”

9.    As an architect. Rizal had proposed to put up a Filipino college in Hong Kong. As part of his plan he himself designed the building. His house in Dapitan was design by himself. Looking closely at his house in Dapitan, one finds an complicated knotting of rattan without the use of nails.

10.  As a musician. Rizal was not only gifted with a good voice, but as a composer of music. He also produced several musical compositions and one of those was entitled “Alin Mang Lahi” (Any Race), a patriotic song.

11.  As a linguist. His travels and contact with different people provided Rizal the opportunity to learn some languages and dialects. At the age of 35 he could speak 22 languages. In these 22 languages, he could communicate well both in writing and speaking.

12.  As a bibliophile. Bibliophile is a lover or collector of books; Rizal collected more than 2,000 books. These books were categorized to fictions, geography, history, arts and sciences. At young age, he was already reading the classic, philosophy and fiction.

13.  As a translator. Knowledge of several languages is the basic craft to be a good translator. Rizal could speak 22 languages, thus qualified as a translator. He translated William Anderson’s fairy tales, Ethnology of the Islands of Mindanao from German to Spanish and other known writings.

14.  As an educator. The value of education was planted in the mind of Rizal by his mother. He grew up an educated man and became an educator. First, he had an aborted plan to put up a school in Hong Kong. But finally in Dapitan, he had a school, a small one but enough to accommodate a number of students.

15.  As an economist. Rizal was very well aware of the economic set up of the country during his time. He was desolate about business in the country controlled by the foreigners, particularly the Chinese. In an attempt to counter the Chinese businesses in Dapitan, he encouraged the people to form a cooperative. He himself engaged in business. More importantly, he encouraged everyone not to patronize the Chinese stores.

16.  As a surveyor. He finished his surveying course at the Ateneo de Manila while he was at University of Sto. Tomas, although he was not immediately granted the title because of his young age. At 20, he began to practice surveying.

17.  As an engineer. Rizal did not formally study engineering. His reading of engineering books helped him a lot. In Dapitan, he constructed a water system that supplied the whole town. He built a large dam, good enough to collect water for the town populace. Also in Dapitan, he remodeled the town plaza. Using his own money, he provided the town with a lightning system consisted of coconut oil lamp.

18.  As a naturalist. A naturalist is one who collects and studies specimens like plants and animals. While in Dapitan, Rizal gathered several species, which he sent to Europe. In recognition of his works, European scientist named some species in his name. They were Draco Rizali, a flying dragon or dragonfly; a pogenia Rizali, a small turtle and Phacopahous Rizali, a frog.

19.  As an archaeologist. Archaeologist is one who studies ancient people’s civilization, through relics like temples, tools, weapons, jars and others. While in Dapitan, Rizal excavated the Lumanao Hill where he discovered several relics that belonged to the Chinese merchant of the Sung Dynasty. He concluded that Lumanao Hill was a burial place of the Chinese.

20.  As a philologist. A linguist is a person who is skilled in languages. A philologist is one who studies the origin and development of a language. Rizal made his own study and associated himself with known European philologists. He made a study of the Tagalog Orthography, or spelling. He found out that Tagalog language had been hispanized by the Spaniards. Rizal wanted to eliminate the hispanized spelling by using K and W instead of c and u.

21.  As an inventor. Rizal invented a cigarette lighter and while in Dapitan, he invented a wooden machine for making bricks. Using this machine he was able to manufacture 6000 bricks daily.

22.  As a sportsman. Rizal was expert in swimming, fencing, wrestling and rowing. He also loved the play yo-yo. Fashioned from Europe he opened a gymnasium in Calamba. He introduced European sports namely, boxing, fencing, pistol shooting, wrestling and judo. His intention for establishing gymnasium was to discourage the people from indulging in gambling. Part of the curriculum of the aborted plan of a Filipino college in Hong Kong was gymnastics. In Dapitan, he did not only teach academic subjects. He included boating, fencing, shooting, swimming and wrestling.

23.  As a magician. Like all the other children, Rizal was interested in magic. When he was still a boy in Calamba, he amused his sisters and friends with his skillful tricks. In Europe, he continued his interest in magic. He had books about famous magician.

24.  As a prophet. The release of his mother from jail was prophesied by Rizal. He was still 13 years old at the time. The prophecy came true and mother was released. He had other predictions which came to reality. Some were that Filipinos would stage a revolution and Manila would become a busy city.


Oral Presentation Schedule (Rizal Class)

Learning Outcome



Week 1

Introduction/Distribution of Syllabus
Importance of Studying Jose Rizal

Automated eLearning Diagnostic Activity

Week 2
LO 1, 2,3
Philippine Society Under Spanish Rule
Who Made Rizal Our National Hero?
Rizal as National Hero

Debate Activity
Should Rizal be our national hero?
Answer Testmoz Online Assessment

Week 3
LO 1,2,3
Rizal and Filipino Heroism
Show me a picture/Draw a Picture “My Modern Day Hero”
Read and print articles about Rizal’s family

Week 4
LO 5
An Overview of Rizal’s Life

Film Showing
(Movie: Jose Rizal, 1998)
Reflection Paper

Research Day

Week 5
LO 1,2,3,4,5
Rizal’s Family Part 1
    His Father
    His Mother
    His Brother
    His Sisters
Kahoot Activity


Answer Testmoz Online Assessment
Feb 23
Week 6
LO 1,2,3,4,5
Rizal’s Family Part 2
Performance 1
Create a simple scrap book of the members of the Mercado family. 

March 2
Week 7
LO 1,2,3,4,5
Rizal’s Academic Success and Challenges Part 1


Peer Sharing:
Social Issues Before vs Present

Answer Testmoz Online Assessment
March 9
Ms Adamos
Week 8
LO 1,2,3,4,5
Rizal’s Academic Success and Challenges  Part 2
Performance Task 2
“Lights, Camera, Action”
A Video Presentation of Social Issues on Education

March 16

Week 9
LO 1,3,4,5
Rizal’s Adventurous Journey Part 1
First Travel
First Homecoming
Performance Task 3
Highlight the Significant Events in Rizal’s Travel via Blog

“My Significant Travels: A video presentation”

March 23
Ms Pangandian
Week 10
LO 1,3,4,5
Rizal’s Adventurous Journey Part 2
Second Travel
Second Homecoming

March 30
Ms Estacio
Week 11
LO 1,2,3,4,5
Rizal’s Love Life

Wedding Proposal Presentation for Rizal

“Realize An Ideal Wedding for Jose & Josephine”
Answer Testmoz Online Assessment
April 6
Mr. Alamar
Week 12
LO 1,2,3,4,5
Rizal’s Arrest, Trial and Execution
Field Trip to Intramuros, Luneta and National Museum

April 13
Ms Lising

Week 13
LO 1,2,3,4,5
The Shaping of Rizal’s Heroic Leadership

April 20
Mr Degracia
Week 14
LO 1,2,3,4,5
Rizal’s Collaboration with Other Heroes
Small Group Discussion

April 27
Ms Felices

Week 15
LO 1,2,3,4,5
Performance Task 4: Mini Seminar on Leadership Using Rizal’s Principles
May 4

Week 16
LO 5
“Poetry Out Loud”
Sa Aking Mga Kababata

Poem Recital

Slogan Contest: The 21st Century Youth

May 11
Week 17
LO 1,2,3,4,5
Jose Rizal’s Inventions and Discoveries

Rizal and His Philosophies: A Guide for Contemporary Filipino
Create your “Rizal Design for T-Shirt” based from the life and works of Rizal

May 18
Week 18
LO 3,5
Performance Task 5: Mini-Design Show of the “Rizal Design” for T-Shirt
May 25